12 de abr. de 2011

Where's my right foot

Lost my right foot.
Everywhere I go
I enter with the left one.
I enter with the one left.
Where's my right?
Did I ever had my right?
Don't think I've ever seen my right.
Just the one left.

Suddenly I stop
But I know it's too late
I'm lost in a forest
All alone
The girl was never there
It's always the same
I'm running towards nothing
Again and again and again

**procurando desesperadamente uma ilusão**

*.log - home
*.mp3 - The Cure - A Forest
*.txt - none
*.iso - none
*.dvd - none

Edit: Há tantas 'brincadeiras' que eu ainda posso fazer com essa coisa de ter perdido o pé direito. Depois desenvolvo mais.

Edit 2: Completei as 'brincadeiras' @ 8:12 pm

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